Tuesday, June 24, 2014

To The Beautiful People by Navin E.

Everyone needs to be told that they are loved, by someone, at some point. You can question their meaning of their words or who says them to you, but you need to hear it. So do I and so did she. 

She was beautiful. She is. Not in the way, I learnt to acknowledge beauty. Somehow, somewhere it became about the most revealing clothes, a slim physique and yet voluptuous in the right areas, flowing locks as if they were taken straight from a shampoo advertisement and most importantly, an unblemished visage. 

There was never any mention of character or behavior. No one taught us that and we never learnt. Not until, we began to accept the disappointments life threw our way. The "beautiful people" didn't look at us, not the way we wanted them to. Natural selection perhaps? They went for those high performing individuals, with the perfect physique and the symmetrical smiles. That was never me. 

Rejection teaches you to change your approach. And you always told not to "lower your standards", but that's what you've been taught to believe. Perfection was beauty. Anything else was you "settling". Again you learn through disappointments, which are blessings in disguise. Not that we know it at the time or something that any of us would admit. 

Now, to the woman I love. I want to tell you how beautiful you are, but it is something I haven't known. I am learning this slowly. I am learning to accept that your beauty lies in the way your eyes scan my frame and the smile that follows, telling me you "accept me". I now know the stories you tell me in silence. Your beauty lies not in what you choose to show me, but you simply being yourself; without any compromises.

I know today, I love you. Perhaps you will ask for reasons or simply be content to be loved. I do not know. I pull you closer, when I speak of a future because I want to share it with you and no one else. I am understanding beauty as I understand love.

I want you to know, I haven't "settled", but understood how to love the scars where your beauty lies. It is the absence of perfection, which makes you beautiful.

For more beautiful words visit Words Written In Silence

Monday, June 16, 2014

A Note On Apologies

There's one sad truth in life I've found 
While journeying east and west - 
The only folks we really wound 
Are those we love the best. 
We flatter those we scarcely know, 
We please the fleeting guest, 
And deal full many a thoughtless blow 
To those who love us best. 
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox~  

 We often break promises, lie, hurt others intentionally and unintentionally. We are after all only human, but we forgive each other. Although, lies hurt and break hearts that sometimes time just can't fix, but life goes on, we learn from mistakes and broken hearts. We try not to hurt each other, but it doesn't always work. 

Apologising and moving on. 

 We all become a little stubborn and are unable or unwilling to acknowledge our wrongdoings. But apologise we must. Those three words are so hard to offer, genuinely. I Am Sorry. It takes wisdom to acknowledge your mistakes, courage to admit your faults. Saying you're sorry is a brave thing to do. I appreciate apologies because I know how hard they are to give. To me, the plain "I'm sorry about everything" just doesn't do it. That's easy. "I'm sorry about..." Yes, no that's how you offer a meaningful apology. An acknowledged apology is one that works the best. Another no-no is the "I'm sorry, but...". There are no excuses for hurting others. 

How to apologise: 
1. Put yourself in the other persons shoes and acknowledge your own fault. 
2. Swallow your pride. 
3. Say you sorry and what you sorry about, and actually mean it. 
4. Never repeat the mistake again.