Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Little Pleasures, Big Smiles- Pancakes for breakfast, a five star breakfast

There is something special about pancakes for breakfast. A breakfast fit for a king.
Satisfying the rumbling tummy with some syrup and tea and chatter.
Add a sausage and an egg, some freshly squeezed fruit juice and breakfast is an absolute treat.

But the perfect topping and what brings the most morning smiles is when breakfast is prepared specially for you.

Pancake recipe: http://goo.gl/VuJpwx

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Little Pleasures, Big Smiles

It's the little things in life that make life special, it's the little things in life that give life meaning.
But it's also the little things in life that we so often fail to notice.

We are surrounded by the moaners and the complainers and the pessimists. It is so easy to be infected by the negative-bug. And once we have a negative mindset we fail to see the beauty of our days. The beauty that each new day brings

Don't get me wrong, the big things matter too. They leave us with the most startling memories.

But it's the little things that we miss the most when they no longer occur.

It's the little things in life that makes life sweet!

I'd like to share with you weekly "A little pleasure, Big smiles"

This Week: The First Rains Of Summer
As our surroundings change from brown to green, the first rains of summer bring new life and colour.
The animal kingdom show off their new offspring, the trees and flowers dressed in their new leaves and the birds begin to sing.

The first rains of summer and the smell thereafter fills my heart with warmth and my eyes with smiles.
A joy to behold.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Saturday, November 9, 2013


A few pictures that I've stumbled across this week on the web which I feel are worth sharing.