From stage to stage we go, on this journey called life. Experiencing many different emotions, meeting many different people.
On a rare occasion you meet someone and they are able to change your perspective about everything. You think you all done. And then someone comes out of the mists, completely unexpectedly and opens your eyes. Wether intentionally or not. They make you see things that you have never before allowed yourself to see.
Sometimes through someone else you get a better look at your own life. Wether that be positive or negative aspects. You live the same life you have always led, but suddenly it feels so different. It is as though without realising it, everything changes. It's like opening a familiar window and seeing a new view. Things that have never bothered you before, suddenly become major problems.
Or you begin to see how extremely blessed you are and have been. You begin to see the beauty around.
But new realisations and new knowledge often bring an unexpected and very unwelcome twinge of pain too.
After the rare encounter with this magnetic force, it is incredible as you watch your life unravel.
The scenery that this life changing being shows you is unforgetable and changes your life forever. No matter how hard you try for things to be as they were, they never will be again.
Have you crossed paths with your life changer, eye opener? Or is it yet to come?